Round Meadow Lake : Round Meadow Lake in Hidden Lake Forest Preserve in DuPage County, IL
Glen Ellyn, Illinois, United States

- Observed on: Fri, 24 May 2024 12:00:00 -0500
- Testers Jane Barnett
Associated with:
National Great Rivers : Winter Chloride Watch - Lat: 41.8296568
- Lng: -88.0516199
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
✓ Quality checked by Water Rangers What's this?
Since: 2024-05-24
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I did two tests today to check accuracy of the test strips. It rained pretty hard for about 30 minutes just after I started the first test. I waited until that was over to do the second test. The second test came out a little higher, and with rounding up, I reported it .2 Quantab Units higher (14 ppms). The first test was at 154 and the second was 168, so I averaged these and reported 160 in my results above.
Please let me know if I need to do this another way. I wasn't able to do two separate observations.