Stinson dock : Arm Lake
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Observed on: Sun, 26 Mar 2023 15:38:00 -0600
- Testers Crystal Stinson and Paul Stinson
Associated with:
University of Regina : Citizen Science - Lat: 51.0671019
- Lng: -105.802846
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
✓ Quality checked by Water Rangers What's this?
Since: 2023-03-26

Latest photos
Distance to bottom was 80 cm, with 76 cm of ice (only 4 cm of water in the location we drilled, a bit further out than the usual end of dock location, where the ice reached the muddy bottom.
No visible green algae!
Some small crayfish were accidentally brought to the surface at the first hole attempted, which struck the muddy bottom.
People ice fishing further north on the lake have been catching fish, despite the low oxygen level.
-pH meter was not working properly, so no pH recorded.
-8 inch secchi disc did not fit in 6 inch hole, so measured depth to bottom with a stick