Lake Killarney to Silver Lake Creek (Cary, IL, 60013) : Lake Killarney to Silver Lake Creek (Cary, IL, 60013)
Cary, Illinois, United States

- Observed on: Wed, 20 Nov 2024 16:22:00 -0600
- Testers Eberhard Veit
Associated with:
National Great Rivers : Winter Chloride Watch - Lat: 42.2381973
- Lng: -88.2501007
Observation report
See trends at this locationWater quality tests
Pending Quality Check from Water Rangers What's this?
Since: 2024-11-20
Latest photos
Ran Q/C test on strip Lot# A4290A - See pictures. One strip read 209 PPM the other 226.
Not sure what the acceptable range is.
- This was just before the first snow of the season.
- Only little snow fell on warm ground and only very little salt was used in addition to snow plowing.
- Air and water temperature are no problem to get. I bought an inexpensive Thermometer
all plastic at Ace Hardware for about $5.- It agreed with my digital thermometers.
- - -
This Creek is the outflow of Lake Killarney:
*** Chloride seems very high for the time of year.
My suspicion is that it is caused by water softeners and septic systems
in the Lake Killarney subdivision.
Our water has a lot of Iron and many people have water softeners.
All houses on the West Side of the Lake have well & septic.
Houses on the East Side of the Lake have community water & septic